Evidence-based, scholarly researched articles about why this works

Consistently practicing yoga, mediation, and mindfulness has changed my approach to life. I am calmer, less stressed, and more able to confront challenges. I’ve witnessed these changes in my students, too.

However, that is anecdotal evidence. I also deeply value scientific studies, data, and peer-reviewed scholarly research.

Review the following articles to discover the proven benefits of consistent yoga, mediation, and mindfulness practices.

Benefits of YMM (Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness) for individuals

"Why Yoga is Good for Your Brain and Body, According to Science," Greater Good Magazine (UC Berkeley)

“5-minute breathing exercises can improve your mood and reduce anxiety,” Washington Post (March 2023)

“Yoga for Skeptics,” NY Times (May 2023) *Kickstart your own yoga practice

“A Meditation to Spark Joy,” Washington Post (May 2023) *Practice this free meditation

“Three minute meditation: Letting go of anger,” Washington Post (May 2023) *Practice this free meditation

Benefits of YMM for children, preteens, and teens

"Research Roundup: Mindfulness in Schools," Greater Good Magazine (UC Berkeley)

Benefits of YMM for children and teenagers with ADHD

“Effects of an 8-week yoga program on sustained attention and discrimination function in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,” National Institute of Health/National Library of Medicine: National Center of Biotechnology Information (January 2017)

“Yoga and Breathing Exercises Aid Children With ADHD to Focus,” Neuroscience News (May 2021)

“Yoga Could Benefit Children with ADHD,” CHADD.org (June 2018)

“Say Yes to Yoga for Kids with ADHD,” ADDitudemag.com (June 2022)

Benefits of YMM for humans with ADHD

"Deep Breathing Opens up the ADHD Brain," ADDitude.com (August 2022)

"Just Breathe: Diaphragmatic Breathing for ADHD," ADDitude.com (September 2017)

Benefits of YMM for athletes

"The Yoga Regimen That Keeps an N.B.A. Forward Centered," NY Times (April 2023)

Benefits of YMM for workplaces

"How you feel about your job affects how well you parent your kids," Washington Post (Feb. 2023)